When disasters like Hurricane Sandy strike, it can be incredibly difficult for those who have family or friends directly affected by the catastrophe. For all North Shore- LIJ employees directly or indirectly affected by this tragedy, please know that the how to make your own clock North Shore- LIJ Employee Assistance Program ( EAP ) is here to help.
Through the EAP , emotional support and confidential counseling with a licensed counselor are available to all health system employees at all locations within North Shore- LIJ at no cost.
The EAP offers many services and resources designed to help employees cope with a wide range of life issues, including grief, financial worries, job performance, substance abuse and more.
▼ 2012 (31) ► November (9) ▼ October (22) Follow our Blog! Post Sandy at Plainview Hurricane how to make your own clock Sandy UPDATE 10/31 Emergency Shelters Southside Survives Where You Can Find Relief from Hurricane Sandy ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES -- FACILITY CLOSURES FOR W... New Life at LIJ, Despite Hurricane Sandy Storm Damage in Plainview how to make your own clock Hurricane Sandy UPDATE - Tuesday Morning EAP is Here for You The Streets of Long Beach Michael Dowling: "We're Fully Prepared" Beginnings how to make your own clock of Hurricane Sandy via: Brooklyn UPDATE: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - FACILITY CLOSURE... Share Your Pictures & Videos with Us! What's in Your GO! Kit? Attention NURSES: Volunteers Needed! Hotline for North Shore-LIJ Patients ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - FACILITY CLOSURES Preparing for the Storm Continues Preparing for Hurricane Sandy ► 2011 (24) ► September (2) ► August (22)
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