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Online jeweler's craft in Turkey and thus adversely affect employment stating Affairs, the draft bags jewelry artisans employed in the sector of taxation and regulation was passed in the direction of supporting the internal market. Jobs, "We our hands a connecting system of taxation had. This was that? You say, $ 1 million of raw materials are bringing to handle the country you're putting. And that 200 thousand dollars would pay taxes. But you abroad finished jewelry when you move, work abroad processed , rings, earrings when you bring the product to become, not to create any employment, with only a contribution to the importer had a taxation system, "he said.
"Today, in the domestic market to commit $ 1 million stone when you bring two hundred thousand dollars of excise duty must pay. Likewise, watch repair philadelphia a $ 1 million finished jewelry when you bring these jewels just workmanship 18 percent KDV taken. 1 million dollars in jewelry 30 thousand dollars workmanship watch repair philadelphia show if you will pay tax only four thousand dollars. This was not entirely something else to punish manufacturer. "
He was invited to Ankara yesterday to members of the Parliamentary Planning watch repair philadelphia and Budget Commission that the transfer of knowledge on the subject again Affairs of the arrangement adopted with the full support of the ruling and opposition members said that.
"The watch repair philadelphia current system, based on a 20 percent excise tax, 18 percent of the KDV will occur from abroad finished jewel ... Meanwhile atölyec and here engaged in manufacturing wholesaler's hand strengthens what was done? Now on raw material exchange passes through Istanbul and people's hands relaxes has become. Most recent final consumer in the only taxation will occur. So at the moment the stock market who are members of everyone in this business for anyone who already exchange to be a member of raw materials to the country engendering a tax will not pay. exchange between members of any tax will occur. these tax then the final manufacturer is reached, it will happen. "
The new regulation will open new employment areas of the sector Jobs said, "From now on, in addition to 100 thousand people employed in the sector will be I think," he said. Jobs Parliamentary Planning and Budget Commission members thanked him for his support to the sector.
KDV Law on the amendment, precious stones (diamonds, diamonds, rubies, emeralds, topaz, watch repair philadelphia sapphire, chrysolite, th) exchange Istanbul Corporation Diamond and Precious Stone Market traded on the import, stock delivery and in the stock market or the relevant legislation by a notice by the stock exchanges between members will be exempt from KDV out of stock changing hands. Precious stones other than the delivery of these processes is removed from the scope of the exception. Gold bullion and silver bullion for delivery made any changes to the exemption watch repair philadelphia application.
According to the draft from abroad, with diamond jewelry diamond gold jewelery from silver, excise duty to be covered. The Council of Ministers, Istanbul Stock Exchange Corporation Diamond and Precious Stone Market traded precious stones in different ratios to determine the SCT was given authority.
WARNING: Swearing, insulting, offensive watch repair philadelphia sentences or hints, beliefs offensive, with the unwritten rules of spelling, capital letters and written comments unused Turkish characters are not approved.
EMRA fuel companies punishment rained Energy Market Regulatory Authority, 20 companies a total of 4 million 560 thousand 394 TL administrative fine cut TSE, 12, the firm's contract termination was the Turkish Standards Institute, 12 firms terminating the contract was July
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