Monday, August 18, 2014

No, far from it. As knowledge of Hunstock

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Originally Posted by thomas 48 in post # 60 Hello 94, I did not quite understand. Was certainly a joke and I fell. the Hunstock was then berhmt, but today he is totally forgotten. Have time for a lot of trouble with the Internet and start all over again, amd overdrive utility with the crimes of Eisenach thomas, what has it done to you, the internet, you have a rger with him so? Size steffen52
Originally Posted by thomas 48 in post # 60 Hello 94, I did not quite understand. Was certainly a joke and I fell. the Hunstock was then berhmt, but today he is totally forgotten. Well no, so really not a joke. Have not quite figured out the Zusammenhnge, but usually dive searches on the forum near the top and above all at all at first Google results on. In the case of 'gang leader Hunstock' appears only and exclusively Although only this forum Persian amd overdrive utility password list * selber_staun *
've also read the page ,, ,,. Do you really think the Iranians a bit about H. wei, I really do not. There are now many books about the old town, but over the underworld and about the simple life of poor people you can find hardly anything. Will be in your hometown as well. Find everything about the history of the workers can only find in old newspapers amd overdrive utility a lot, nowhere else. In the next time I'm over crimes of Eisenach amd overdrive utility report, much of H.
No, far from it. As knowledge of Hunstock's just as much (or little) as a Hunsinger or Huntsinger, these are the two Eintrge directly next to the gang leader in this Wterbuchliste (see Wrterbuchangriff). I mean normal 'filters' the googel such 'gray' pages from its index out, na isses soo interesting then now but also not. Knowledge about these Hunstock there anyhow with the Iranians certainly not. As more searching in Unstrut-Hainich should begin (eg Here now live at least most with such a surnames.
Evening, community amd overdrive utility .... Google knows not everything. Hunstock is actually a historical figure Thringer that there was. And he even made it into the vernacular vocabulary amd overdrive utility Th.s. The phrases: "But this is a Hunstock." and "from the times is a Hunstock" are known to me from childhood days. What course nothing tangible is available to the human H. yet. A local historian knnte as help ...... 73 Hans
Hi, I grew up in Erfurt great. Yes, and in my family were just some people who as a little as a dialect collectors, dialect speaker is beschftigten etc.. Today, you probably call it dignity as a hobby. My grandmother and my Grotanten were in terms of Proverbs, simply unbeatable. The Pastor Holm stories -Sprche, and the Gischperschlehmener market women Mri and Gsoffi come from this source. Whether the Hunstock from the vernacular world and your Hunstock now but are identical? No idea. So often the name's not in TH. I wait already what is to come. 73, Hans
Erfurt, since it was the publisher who Hanni, Putzi, Fritzi published. Was probably one of Jewish amd overdrive utility publishing house, my mother got from a member of the publishing family, who was as forced laborers in Buna, so given a book. The original no longer exists, it has, however, purchased a reprint.
So you go from crime to Kinderbcher, na, matrimonial Comics, neudeutsch at least. Hanni, Fritzi, amd overdrive utility Putzi - not to mention Kolk of Fritz Lattke (or Latka?) amd overdrive utility Came from the Gebrder Judge publishing house in Erfurt. Since I know Kolk - I had two of the books. 've Read so Fraktur learned. 73 Hans
Farnroda 1910 24.7 In Wutha of workers from long-Farnroda was run over by Eisenach amd overdrive utility merchant hunter, but he was dragged 20 meters with and suffered serious injuries to the head and back. The gentleman hunter committed a hit and run.
Thal-Holy Stone 1907 16:01 The numerous Einbrche in the community amd overdrive utility by a gang verbt whose Leaders wurde.Man arrested by the police yesterday Eisenach took with him some butcher's knife, a lot of Burglary amd overdrive utility Tools and photos from other thieves
Ruhla / Eisenach amd overdrive utility 1909 23:12 In Eisenach was yesterday when workers in the TL Kasernenstr. a search amd overdrive utility for a suspicion of a Wscheunterschlagung. was found not a sink, but some boxes full of watch parts and car headlights from his job Maschinenfabrik amd overdrive utility Thiel Ruhla 1910 1:02? Yesterday, the Schuster Edmund Baake was sentenced to one year in prison from Eisenach Circuit Court because of poaching. He might poached for 15 years. In his apartment, they found many antlers, and one from a 12 Ender welc

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