Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Policy Håll good tone. Preamble, hotelser, public ring of personuppgifter, vulgare inlays och irrel

Clemet: About Swedish debate culture, censorship and Today's News | Gothic Club
14th published atlanta jewelry supply the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter (DN) an article of author and DN-worker Henrik Arnstad. It was Norway presented as a country with strong atlanta jewelry supply racial traits. The entire political spectrum, from SW to the Progress Party, got through. The Norwegian national self-understanding was described as a kind of fascism. atlanta jewelry supply Arnstadt article can be read here.
A few days later he sent Øyvind stream from MDG, Ketil Raknes atlanta jewelry supply of SV and I a common feature article in Dagens atlanta jewelry supply Nyheter. The purpose was primarily to show that Arnstad have an inaccurate picture of Norwegian reality, and that there is broad agreement atlanta jewelry supply on this in Norway. (The article can be read in Norwegian here.)
First problem was that we were too many writers. DN would like to only Øyvind Stream signed article. It was claimed that the DN is "generally skeptical" of debate articles with multiple signatories. When I explained that it was just the width among us who said that was part of the point, atlanta jewelry supply we did not hear more about this. The argument seemed also a bit strange, since only a few days after an article appeared in the newspaper with the five signatories.
Then we heard that the features were too long. It was true enough shorter than Arnstadt article, but that is too long, so it had to be cut. However, if it was more than halved and reduced to approx. 4000 characters were the "hopefully" fit in the newspaper the following week, ie approx. three weeks after Arnstadt article had been published.
Now it's been five weeks ago Arnstadt article was published - and it is three weeks since DN got the short version they asked for - finished translated into Swedish. Meanwhile, we have repeatedly been told that the article should appear in print - nothing will have happened.
October 24 pressure eg. newspaper a comment by Maciej Zaremba (11 500 characters) who went to frontal attack on Norway. Zaremba repeated partial Arnstadt serious criticism and claimed that Olav Thon never should atlanta jewelry supply have received honorary doctorate from the University of Karlstad, because he votes Progress Party: "The passionate Academy chaperone that is at stake, the somliga call honor."
October 31 was the DN leader in dedicated entirely to various allegations against Norway from the Swedish public, and critique of these. The journalist Erik Helmerson, who wrote the manager, was undoubtedly more conciliatory than Henrik Arnstad. But Helmerson pointed out that Ozz Nûjen was censored in the Norwegian edition of Skavlan (18.10.), Because he claimed that "Norway's atlanta jewelry supply two new governing parties" will massedeportere Roma of Norway "and said Jens Stoltenberg that" if this is not racism, what is it then? '. Helmerson omitted to mention that Nûjens source of this claim probably was Arnstadt article in DN. Helmerson suggested by the way that you print a lot of nonsense about Norway, but also failed to mention that the newspaper's own staff member is probably the foremost exponent of this nonsense.
It is in this respect interesting to note that Arnstad have corrected an error about Paul weighed and Civita, as we pointed out in the op-ed that never appeared in print. In a footnote namely Arnstad writes: "In one version was formerly quotation of Paul weighed inexakt återgivet. It är nu Rattata, according pointed från uppmärksamma reader. Jag Tineke with this! " atlanta jewelry supply
The problem for Sweden seems to be that many there will only hear one thing. What they will hear is that racism is spreading in the world and that only Sweden - and barely enough Sweden - resist. atlanta jewelry supply Many probably know that Arnstad lie and raving, but no one dares to contradict him for fear of being perceived as someone who "defends racism."
Today's news has obviously chosen to play with and exploit atlanta jewelry supply this mood. It probably has little of Norway and the Norwegian choice to make, but Norway becomes a convenient target for influential people atlanta jewelry supply who obviously already decided.
Bra att DN håll on his agendasättande journalism, more like här och skit DN soon No förtroendekapital each nominee again, when will DN uteslutande syssla with kvällstidningsjournalistik för att get Bookkeeping att go ihop.
Misstänker atlanta jewelry supply att mkt few understand or would not understand vad this is about. DN är inte bara totalitära, judiskt maktfullkomliga, the passionate arrogant and and Tarver också. atlanta jewelry supply Och the most scratches, Swedish Arna understand interest.
But Norrmann gör it även on the assumption inte hur illa grasping the passionate grips Sweden och Varför. Aftonbladet ran häromdagen or Ozz babble in Skavlan, passionate småpotatis compared to standard vad DN håll doing.
Norwegian government may start financially war vs Swedish media without problem
Policy Håll good tone. Preamble, hotelser, public ring of personuppgifter, vulgare inlays och irrelevant utläggningar about peoples who have interest uppenbart with artikeln att göra Plock away and and can led into bloc

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