For most of human history, family, defined as a community of parents and children - possibly expanded closer relatives - functioned as the basic social unit. In other words, seiko service center people have always lived - and often did - in the family. In contrast, today, even one third of adult population of most developed countries of the world - which by societal trends rapidly joining the richest among developing countries - are choosing to give up parenthood, often marriage.
The phenomenon called postfamilijalizam (singlizam) is seriously affecting Europe, North America and East Asia and began to spill over to other countries such as Brazil and Iran. According to Euromonitor International, in 1996, the world had a population seiko service center of 153 million singles. In the next 15 years, until 2011, their number has increased by a full 80 per cent to 227 million.
Among European seiko service center countries, Sweden is the record holder in singlizmu. Even 47 percent seiko service center of local households have one member. In Norway, the percentage is much smaller at 40 percent, while in the Netherlands and Germany is between 35 and 40 percent. Similarly in the UK, which counts more than 30 percent of single-person households.
USA is slowly catching up with the most developed European countries. There, the percentage of single-person households accounts seiko service center for some 27 percent. Of the 32 million American singles, seiko service center 18 million are women. Half the population of North America bachelor waste on individuals aged between 35 and 64 years, with the fastest seiko service center growing group is composed of people between 18 and 34 years: in 1950, there were 500,000; 2011, their number seiko service center had risen to five million.
At the other end of the world, in Japan, which still holds up very traditional family values, seiko service center the proportion of single-person households is around one third, while in the large urban centers, the percentage is higher. The same percentages apply in other wealthy Asian countries such as South Korea and Singapore. The causes of the "crisis of the family"
Postfamilijalizam, the phenomenon was observed at the beginning of this millennium, there appeared seiko service center suddenly. When it comes to Western countries concerned, preceded by a decades-old demographic trend postponement of marriage.
In Europe today, seiko service center the average age at first marriage is 31 years for men and 28 years for women, with the shift towards Matrimonial middle age continues. Americans continue to enter into marriage earlier than the Europeans, but quickly make up for the lag. In the US, the average age at first marriage is 28 years for men and 26 years for women (mid-twentieth century, the ratio was 23 or 20 years). Similarly, Hong Kong and East Asian countries have drastically in a relatively short period of time shifted moment of marriage and family formation; the average age of partners exceeds 30 years, and in the case of both sexes.
Interestingly, the trend of disposal does not necessarily relate to the birth. According to a recent analysis of the US National Center for Research of family and marriage, the average age of women at the time of receipt of the first child is less than the average age at first marriage. In other words, seiko service center have a child before marriage, if it ever comes, it has become seiko service center commonplace; For example, a full 58 percent seiko service center of American middle-level seiko service center education first child born out of wedlock. (Curiosity works in Belgrade every third newborn child born out of wedlock as well.)
I postfamilijalizam and demographic trends that preceded or followed by the result of a series of interrelated factors, which vary from country to country, culture to culture. In the case of East Asian countries, for example, there is no doubt that the nature of modern, competitive capitalism has forced a number of people to choose seiko service center between business seiko service center success and family. Paradoxically, the result as a proliferation of single-person households in the long run practically undermines some of the foundations of liberal seiko service center capitalism: the labor market and consumer base.
Globally, postfamilijalizmu contributed to the departure from traditional values, almost without exception based on family and kinship and relationships. Modern social ethos in the foreground individual socioeconomic success and the quest for self-actualization and personal happiness.
Undoubtedly, many of the social and cultural changes that have favored a trend postfamilijalizma reflect the positive aspects of human progress. Changing role of women in contemporary society, which is not reduced solely to the wife and mother, is one of the brightest achievements of modern seiko service center human history. At the same time, however, opening up new possibilities for exposing a woman to new pressures, to which some of them have responded by giving up the marriage and / or parenting.
Migration of large numbers of people to large urban centers are possible thanks to economic progress; smaller number of people is strictly associated to the production of food, clothing and energy. At the same time, increasing the population density in big cities is strongly correlated with the decline in fertility and nuptiality rates
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