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Spanish spring bar tool newspapers have run the rutting the few financial institutions spring bar tool in Catalonia we still, in case of independence moved its headquarters in Madrid. They are so unoriginal! At this stage of the process spring bar tool too lazy to fight each unionist nonsense. But we have to do. You know, the Empire Strikes Back, is never so well said, the ghost threat. Copying the case of Scotland, desperate, in a last attempt, driven by panic to lose, the campaign became dirty. And it worked. Frightened and scared the Scottish banks (with obvious interests in the City) threatened to leave if Scotland spring bar tool won the SI, although part of his ransom was paid by all Scots. spring bar tool
But Catalonia is not Scotland. We must be clear. Then and now. Madrid because spring bar tool of the dirty war that lasts for years, and instead of loosening even made us stronger, widened the sovereignty has become the majority, including the mobilization of the people. The Scots were used to clean and civilized British democracy, and the latest maneuvers were surprised, fear spread among older people worried spring bar tool about their money and pensions. Here, years ago we cut everywhere that threaten us, who invented rumors and news that force us to take Spanish debt generated waste and many other things. We immunized. We eagerly convincing win dismantling the arguments of fear. Also we will do this.
It demonstrates once again his weakness, despair, when they go to play copy other countries. They have run out of ideas. We can say that the last fireworks are burning the remains. spring bar tool We have to be more hopeful than ever that we have little means to achieve it. So no need to lose heart, we must continue fighting their lies. In fact, asked directly responsible spring bar tool for both the Bank and Caixa Sabadell have responded evasively, saying that they had prepared measures "contingency," a fancy way of saying something without saying anything. As a worker in the sector, this language I know and I know exactly how they should respond. Because they "to bluff," and they know it.
Saying that moved the headquarters in Madrid and say nothing is the same. Why not have said that they have closed the offices in Catalonia or close the accounts of customers here. How can anyone believe that some banks will leave the territory that is providing more benefits? Know a company to abandon a territory where your business is going well? In fact, the "Safety" and changed its bylaws not strictly bind the Catalan territory, then argued that it was intended for an internationalization. Mr. Fainé thought that this cheating someone. Splendid, think they are idiots! Mr. Oliu also, for some time talking about the internationalization of Banco Sabadell. spring bar tool More elegant, but it does to play all the cards in the future, if necessary.
But in fact, what they would change if moved its headquarters in Madrid? Well, just change the payment of tax. Some might say that is a considerable pinch. True, but it is no tragedy. Because, in the worst cases, if Catalonia as a State was outside the umbrella of the European Central Bank, the government of the new state could impose conditions "additional" foreign banks to operate. And if they moved her to Madrid, foreign banks would be in effect, as if to have offices spring bar tool in Switzerland. And in this case, the ECB may not impose any measure or sanction to the economic authorities of the new state. spring bar tool This would be the fatal paradox banks "Catalan" emigrated to Madrid. It is a letter that we have to play thoroughly and seriously. Faced with the threat, a major threat on our part, should know from now that the bill there will be very expensive. They know that at one time or another, who pays threat.
This, in the worst cases. It could also happen between consultation (before spring bar tool or after a plebiscite) and effective proclamation of independence, the EU opened talks on a transitional period and we could not be members of the affiliated European Central Bank governing the same rules and agreements as usual. Or in the case of exclusion could be admitted to the EFTA and entered the European Economic Area, as governed and
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