Saturday, July 19, 2014

What is a

Want to know how? In January 1987, restrictions nslijess were lifted in foreign trade - the limitations that protected the domestic market from the collapse of the USSR. For without such restrictions the domestic market of the USSR could not survive a single day - with his ridiculous prices for food and consumer goods in relation to the external market. And suddenly it was allowed businesses and individuals to export abroad food, raw materials, electronics, energy, nslijess chemical products - in short: everything! Like a powerful hurricane swept over the vast territory of the USSR and instantly sucked out of the country wealth. Shelves of food and manufactured goods stores emptied. ROBBERY gold reserve July 21, 1989 the new customs regulations were lifted all restrictions on the export of Soviet gold and precious stones. Seventy-year labor of Soviet customs was destroyed in an instant. Gold in the incredible scale hitherto been dumped on the domestic market, and then acquired nslijess by domestic prices USSR exported overseas. nslijess
"Moskovsky Komsomolets" described the jewelry trade in those days, 'bright picture of excitement, nslijess raging elements, multiple execution rules jewelry sales by Gokhran ... Storm stalls Gokhran bombing nslijess letters demanding new supplies of gold and precious stones ... "The newspaper" Izvestia " then required to deal with bursts of gold and diamonds "floated a powerful reserve as the gold reserves of the State." Newspaper "Soviet Culture" called to remove all such barrier to export of gold, such as customs. After a while Yavlinsky alarmed press statement nslijess about the disappearance of the gold reserve. But quickly faded. More - more! In the same year, frequent parties abroad were exported 500,000 color televisions, 200,000 washing machines. Only one foreign family has taken out only in 1988. 392 fridge, 72 washing machines, air conditioner 142. A staff of only one of hundreds of thousands of foreign organizations - 1400 irons, sewing machines nslijess 138, 174 fan, 3500 bars of soap and 242 kg of washing powder - those that at the insistence of the people's deputies were allegedly purchased for the Soviet people for the currency. This data, which in those days accidentally leaked to the press only through one of the thousands of customs USSR individuals taken in 1989 alone scarce goods more than 2 million tons. Cleaned exported products Krasnoyarsk cotton mill: good sheet in those days cost 5 rubles., Duvet cover - 8 rubles. Deliveries of fabrics abroad rose by more than 3 times. Cotton - almost 4 times, linen - 7 times. It figures only state exports. But private export far superior state! nslijess Moreover, to establish nslijess the exact size of the export was impossible - the same "News" at the same time wrote: "Our power - one of the few in the world where not being customs statistics."
What is a "miracle Balcerowicz," which broadcast a variety of "experts"? U.S. experts suggested nslijess Balcerowicz (the organizer and inspirer of Polish economic reforms) to curtail the production in Poland and the normal trade, nslijess and fully promote haggling with it. Ie underclass working population of Poland, and turn it into a "nation of speculators." And all these lumpen elements - millions and millions - like locusts came down on the Soviet Union and began to take out whatever they could grab - from imported furniture to toothpaste - tons. In those days, at the Congress of Deputies rose terrible scandal and the cries of the absence of toothpaste. The reasons for this lack of tearing the throat People's Deputy and had not thought to ponder. They simply decided to buy abroad toothpaste $ 60 million. Who enriched the 60 million? In France, where it was transported, eubnaya pasta cost 15 francs. In the USSR, it was sold for 1 rub. Of course, all this pasta for $ 60 million in an instant was again abroad. In Poland it expelled in parcels of 500 tubes, but the number of such parcels - right in the French factory packaging (!), Was not limited. These packages are exported whole trunk of the car. Whole train compartment. Containers on the decks of ships. nslijess French perfume exported drawers - 40 rubles. a bottle on this side of the border - and $ 80-100 - on the other. Then drove through Poland to Germany and then - but at European prices. And dragged all like ants leave bare bones of the powerful body of a lion, and these "piranhas Balcerowicz" Soviet people left empty shelves. nslijess No names of consumer goods - from food to art - that would not be exported. We would then wonder: Where to go

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