Saturday, February 15, 2014

Magdalena_Szymalak: Hello. I am a psychologist dealing with issues of human sexuality and sexual ed

How to talk to children about sex, what mistakes not to make when you first start the conversation? In what signals jaeger lecoultre atmos clock the children to pay attention? How should sex education? These and other questions answered Your psychologist, trainer and educator Sexual jaeger lecoultre atmos clock Group Sex Educators Pontoon - Magdalena Szymalak. We invite you to read the record of the chat, which took place on 10 February 2014 at 19
Magdalena_Szymalak: Hello. I am a psychologist dealing with issues of human sexuality and sexual educator jaeger lecoultre atmos clock associated with the Group of Sex Educators Ponton. Feel free to ask questions and to visit the pontoon:
~ Matkapolka: My 12-year-old daughter got her first menstruation. I found soiled underwear and hence is figured. jaeger lecoultre atmos clock I asked her so gently, that something important had happened and stuff. She did not want to say anything, so I say I guess, and if she's scared if she knew what had happened. In response, I heard that she already knows everything. I do not know how to talk about it. Whether it is better not to try?
Magdalena_Szymalak: Of course, you should always talk to. I understand that these calls are heavy, awkward, easiest way is when we start to talk earlier. From the first year we give the child to understand that it may come with every question and concern. Contrary to appearances, even teenagers are grateful for the direct approach parents, although sometimes hard for them to prove it. If there has been talk before the first menstrual jaeger lecoultre atmos clock period, it is still possible jaeger lecoultre atmos clock to catch up. Teens like to show that they know more than is the case. You can start a conversation, for example, saying that he knows that the daughter is smart, but it is also a very important event for you, and though the conversation may be a little awkward, it wants to carry you. You can give to understand that this is a step into a new and important stage of life. Daughter jaeger lecoultre atmos clock do some pleasant surprises. Give a red flower. In a way to make it clear that noticed and appreciates that the daughter becomes a woman.
Magdalena_Szymalak: jaeger lecoultre atmos clock The baby should start talking as soon as possible. jaeger lecoultre atmos clock The child is being curious about the world and in turn reveals different aspects of life. Knowledge of the child about his identity and corporeality develops gradually and must be accompanied by him. Just as we respond to questions about the natural world, or the names of parts of the face, so too should we respond to your questions about the intimate parts of the body, or the differences jaeger lecoultre atmos clock between boys and girls. If we react naturally, but also in a manner appropriate to the child's age, the sexuality (ie, all issues related to sex, not just sex) will constitute for him a natural part of life and will be coming to us with further questions or problems. We need to use the vocabulary of children. It is worth thinking earlier, jaeger lecoultre atmos clock what terminology we use, though of course sometimes questions the child may be a surprise to us. In today's world the natural curiosity jaeger lecoultre atmos clock of a child is, unfortunately, accelerated by the mass media. Even if we try to control what your child is watching, then we are not sure if they do this all the parents, jaeger lecoultre atmos clock for example, children from kindergarten. Due to the challenges of the modern world talking about this approach to always wait until the child asks a specific question, it must be revision. Child prepared for what might happen or what might see is calmer in the face of a difficult situation.
Magdalena_Szymalak: I understand you surprise and confusion. First of all, it is not worth talking emotionally. They should drop, allowing you to consider the matter and organize their opinion on the subject. Prior to the talks should think what is really important to us. What is expected of you daughter? It helps honest conversation about their own emotions, anxiety, hostile to the fact that the daughter is involved in such "mature" jaeger lecoultre atmos clock behavior. It is worth remembering that the prohibitions jaeger lecoultre atmos clock and threats relate mostly the opposite effect. In my opinion, at this moment the most important is to ensure her daughter that the most important issue is security. You can talk to her about it, what are the consequences jaeger lecoultre atmos clock for each decision to intercourse - care for the health of your and your partner and remember about contraception. It is worth to talk about setting the owl's jaeger lecoultre atmos clock borders, the fact that the daughter had always wondered what she wants, and not only considered the wishes of others, including your partner. It is important to also provide jaeger lecoultre atmos clock value. Note, however, that the transfer value is only useful if the daughter sees these values every day at home. You must face the fact that you can not control anyone all the time. You can only ease the entry into adulthood and provide advice and support. The decision on how to deal with the situation, however, jaeger lecoultre atmos clock depends on you. I wish you much strength and patience. jaeger lecoultre atmos clock
Magdalena_Szymalak: React always worth it, but not nervous. In the case of younger

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