Monday, February 16, 2015

A jeweler on his family after his death, too afraid of huge Snkt Gyalkhane come undone a day ...

A jeweler on his family after his death, too afraid of huge Snkt Gyalkhane come undone a day ...
A jeweler on his family after his death came Snkt Gyalkhane huge fall too afraid his wife was not a day to give his son the son of a sapphire necklace to go with it, and say it to my uncle's store He lost some money by selling over two went to uncle. Uncle to try to defeat the son of the well see that your mother tell you just a little stop in the market to sell a season slack Milege good prices and with few bucks that you sit back on the store yesterday. The next day the boy came to the shop every day and began to test the hero on the hero of the day was a great connoisseur of people coming from far away, to test our hero Lge.ak day my son said his uncle Bring it up and tell mom that the market will go very fast to get good prices Lbeta now lost her mother to give up the house and saw that it artificial to try and leave it at home, then returned When asked uncle said he did not give up the necklace was a fake. The uncle said that if I got it the first time you tell a fake necklace think today we had a tough time at the beginning to tell us something fake so today when you yourself know that knowledge This is what we get are fake education without the knowledge in this Snsar see what we think if we all know is wrong or lack Duki suffer ignorance of ignorance, it is the same reason why everything universal watch repair that fear Easy to get a real sense Snsar rare. ... from Tumblr via IFTTT
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