Friday, December 13, 2013

The two iPhone cases you can leave via Sculpteo to adapt. To your own desire to Bubbles in the slee

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eBay has a new iPhone and iPad app released with the name Exact eBay. With the app you can buy 3D-printed objects, which are supplied. Three partner companies Sculpteo is located closest to home, in France. The other two are MakerBot (Brooklyn) and Hot Pop Factory (Toronto). There are 18 products available that you can customize to your wishes. Sculpteo and Hot Pop each have eight products, MakerBot has only two. For example you can choose from iPhone cases, watches, jewelery or personal doll. There is also a mix tape (cassette) available. A ring is available for $ 34, but for $ 275, and for an iPhone clock maker case you lose. Between $ 24.88 and $ 29.88
The two iPhone cases you can leave via Sculpteo to adapt. To your own desire to Bubbles in the sleeve you make with your fingers a bubble pattern on the back cover, you choose the model (iPhone 4/4S or 5), heading and material (smooth plastic in 10 colors). At the cheaper Curves-case pictured above, you can adjust the shape of the curves', add text or upload a picture for print. Background image Such personal photo costs $ 10 extra.
You pay with PayPal and receive the product within 14 days, directly from the 3D printing clock maker factory. In the choice of materials is plastic, metal and wood. EBay in this market mixes in itself is special because it is a relatively young market. But once it has become a mainstream activity eBay at least one foot on the ground. The plan is to expand. The number of objects the next time out
You better buy yourself a 3D printer :-/
Zaandammerplein said in "iWatch with wireless charging in October 2014 ': Originally posted by Rick: @ Zaandammerplein: that they said about ... Richard said in "iWatch clock maker with wireless charging in October 2014 ': Originally posted by BrianIk'm actually a little done ... Pedro said in iOS 7.1 beta 2 now available for developers: @ sdsmpie: but something really does not work well in Maverick, or the only problem ... Adam said in "iWatch with wireless charging in October 2014": If the wireless charging up to a meter really works, so you would also ... renelma said in iOS 7.1 beta 2 now available for developers: Please also solve the wifi problem!
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