From 1 July will be seen to be one of the frequently: Japan's visitors, are desperately trying to coax the machine a packet of cigarettes - and they will look like a pig into the movement.
The reason for this is TASPO (what this abbreviation means, I still do not know) - an IC card, with which one is to be recognized as an adult. This card you must apply separately and thus needs a passport photo and any card or driver's license. So you want to avoid that young people (here may be only smoke and drink from 20) buy cigarettes. The card will be introduced in stages, and the Greater Tokyo's turn as the last - on 1 July this year indicated. The success is in doubt. So last month was already a mother brought in Kyushu before sayville ny the court because she lent her card Taspo her 16-year-old daughter. The highlight: the mother herself did not smoke. In Japan, the sling for smokers is slowly close. Next, want to increase the price of cigarettes. Even here costs a box between 300 and 350 yen, or about 2 euros, which is compared with other industrialized countries really dirt cheap. But some politicians are calling sayville ny already, sayville ny to increase the price to 1,000 yen. If you read the reasons of this requirement, but you will amazed: There are less worries sayville ny about the health of the population as arguments like "in other countries are finally too expensive" or "If we triple the price, the state gets three times more money. " This miscalculation is so bizarre that it's funny again. Incidentally to the introduction of the leak Taspo another measure: So far allowed since the 1990s, selling beer and cigarette only to 11 clock in the evening. Now at least vending machines should be around the clock in operation. The one with the beer vending machine at least always reminds me of my student days in Japan. One of the first projects, albeit unofficially, dorm was to create an amazingly true to scale map of the area in which each beer machine was recorded at the Auto Power Off does not work at 11th This card saved many an evening ...
Word of the day: 成人 识别 - seijin shikibetsu. Seijin is the adult shikibetsu identification. The "Adults identification". There are way projects are on in which a camera to scan the face of the buyer and to determine the age. I imagine a lot of fun before.
As I near Gotanda slept in a hotel, at night reading by 2 clock Murakami in English, the beer machine worked in the hotel and luckily I was able to feed me a fabulously expensive Sappporo can. Or was it two? :)
I was a staunch sayville ny non smoking wonderful time and again that smoking any price increase puts ment and join me ;) actually does it look like with advertising for cigarettes and beer made in japan? the useful with the shutdown at 11am eludes me, is like with ATMs that work only for business time. 0o this restriction actually applies for convenience stores?
However: Go there not regular credit cards? (The one also gets only when one has NEN steady job, or parents who are then liable for that. Because there is an age limit but also determined?)
Now the smokers are off in Japan. sayville ny Now, I do not care quite the thing with smoking. I myself have given it up with "our" pregnancy, other smokers do not bother me. But beer vending machines are of course class. Very pleasant but I found one of the few Weggehabende into a large student club here in LE This new smoking ban leaves sayville ny but then bravely breath and the next day dud, you can also wear it again.
@ Terri's 24-hour stores sell all around the clock. But if you live inconveniently, the nearest store is 200 meters away ... because you just need machines ;-) student club in LE .... But do not you think the venerable MB?
Just be amazed Time 2 days ago via Reply - Retweet - Favorite Evening in Tokyo sayville ny Time 2 days ago via Twitter for iPhone Reply - Retweet - Favorite VerAPPLEung Japan is progressing / Fukushima fish / GhPfrLUjRp Time 5 days ago via answers - Retweet - Favorite Only 3 different chancellor in 35 years? Poor performance! At the same time, we create sayville ny 25 in Japan! Time 7 days ago via Twitter for iPhone Reply - Retweet - Favorite Now's linear / yhqvoPVJqt Time 12 days ago via answers - Retweet - Favorite The typhoon is approaching the end /